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Musings by


New projects & BLKMR Competition!


New year and new possibilities...yep January tends to be one of those months where we made all these awesome plans for the new year and what we want to change.

After my recent hiatus from SL and Performing it has been so much fun to finally come back and reconnect with the Second Life community. But during my time away this fall I have really taken the time to re-evaluate what is important to me and what makes me tick. So here we go let's dive into it!

Project Projects Projects!

If there is one thing I know for sure it is that I am a antsy person and I neeeed a project or two or three to keep me happy and thriving. The problem has been I tend to go into hyper focus and do just the one thing and then feel trapped. I over doing it with all the different things right now? no I really don't think so. This month has been amazing in that I have expanded the brands I am blogging for in SL as well as launching BLKMR my landscaping and decor business and once again booking live music gigs in SL as well as RL. To me I really think the variety is key and the fact that they are not related to each other. I love the music community and it is a huuuuge part of my SL and RL but I think that decorating and blogging being another creative outlet that has nothing to do with the music scene is really good for me not feeling like I get stuck in one thing.

This week has been wonderful and spent in the Moroccan Spa resort that I built as BLKMR's latest project for a girls getaway. Camels and elephants and sand dunes oh my! Getting a chance to just open up creatively and build and decorate is a way for me to get " me time" where I don't have to be extroverted but can just zone into what I'm doing.

Blackmore or BLKMR for short Launched this month and I couldn't be more excited! Morocco was amazing and looking back at the other projects completed I know this is something I am so passionate about and will always love doing both for myself and for others. In that realization I have also come to the decision that there will be special BLKMR destinations a few times a year.

The way that will happen is special resort and getaway weeks/ weekends

where you and your friends can book a limited time vacation. By limited time I mean ..I decided to build a getaway that is only available for a short time.


As a kick start to BLKMR taking off I am going to be giving away a special to three members of the BLKMR group. What you will be getting is a personally decorated Linden home by BLKMR.

Here is what you need to be eligible to win the interior design prize.

  1. You need to have a Linden Home in other words you need to have a premium SL account.

  2. Be a part of the BLKMR group on Facebook as well as inworld.

  3. Share a picture of your linden home on the Facebook post along with why you would like help with it. (hint the worse it is the better imma realize ya'll need help)

There miiiight just be a special surprise in there for one of you as well.

So stay posted, join up and spread the word.



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