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Musings by


Sunset in Nefeli

Updated: Jun 16, 2021


Oh The Places You'll Go

Chicchica Boba Soda- Available @ Equal 10 June-21


As inevitable as change is sometimes it comes fast and sometimes it comes slow. Sometimes we see it coming and sometimes it hits us over the head like a ton of bricks.

Right now I'm not really sure I can even say which one of these I'm going through..possibly both.

This year has been one of upheaval starting last summer and the tectonic pixel plates still feel like they are moving and adjusting. These past few weeks a decision has been growing and maturing, I really don't come to these conclusions lightly. But the Coffeehouse is taking a break for summer. On one hand I think I've been bashing my head against the wall wanting things to be a certain way and getting frustrated when I have to maneuver around RL and SL clashing, and on the other hand I do feel peace in that this is the right thing to do right now. That being said Crystal Cove is still there and though we are not hosting weekly events that does NOT mean there isnt going to be amazing stuff goin on on sim.


Exploring the Secondlife Destinations

Nefeli at Port Antonio

If there is something I have learned through my 13 years of SL it is not to sit on my butt on one parcel, for me this is especially important when I need to find clarity, peace and inspiration. Hopping around the Scond Life destinations Guide is one of those things I never used to do, but that brings me so much joy nowadays. Today I decided to enjoy the sunset and tranquility of the Mediterranean-themed Beach village Nefeli.

The waves crashing up against the main street with it's ice cream stand and cozy tables looking out over the ocean was exactly what I needed to disconnect from all the hectic things going on RL.

Vacation is on the horizon in the non-pixel world but here is a perfect chance to kick start the holidays taking in the picturesque landscape that surrounds the town center.


Seniha Lorena Top available at Equal 10 June-21

Vespas and exploring the sim oh my!

I feel like this is one of those Blog posts where i need to watch it because there are so many gorgeous photo ops all around the sim and it's hard to pick and choose and not go completely insane.

This really was a beautiful build and i enjoyed the sand covered dunes and groves of trees with a few little houses scattered about in typical mediterranean style.

I do think I might actually come on over here and spend some time in Nefeli to get some inspiration for the next few songs for the album.

So as the sun sets on the horizon i look out over the sparkling water and remind myself " there is nowhere here in SL we can't go unless there are ban lines, and there is nothing holding back the plans I have for the future except myself"

Catch you around the Grid!



Visit Nefeli @

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